Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and Confidentiality are heavily related to new media since so much information is posted on sites such as Facebook, twitter etc. In my term paper for this class I discuss the affects new media has on adolescents and one large section discusses the very issue of privacy online. Teens tend to put too much personal information on their pages and this information can be seen by users who may steal identities or stalk people. Confidentiality is a broad term but it is one that can be broken by many illegal acts happening on the internet everyday such as hackers, piracy, identity thefts. It can be broken by chain e-mails when only one person was meant to receive it. Privacy and Confidentiality are definitely one of the negative effects of the internet. 

Candice’s Creativity

Image                                Here I used Photoshop (new media) in order to create an illusion. I cut myself out from another picture using the tools photoshop has to offer and pasted myself onto the red carpet but I made it look real by resizing my body and putting my shadow in as well as changing some details in the background. 



Creativity is simply using you’re mind. It is the act of using youre mind in order to create something, anything. New media certainly gives way to a lot of creativit An example of creativity is mash-ups which is mashing together snip its of all different type of media to create one single item or video. Yes mash ups can be very creative and entertaining but also can be illegal causing plenty piracy. In the New York Times article “Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of its Critics” It discusses how people used Disney characters to create rap songs. For example “A version using clips taken from Nickelodeon’s “SpongeBob SquarePants” has been viewed more than seven million times.” It discusses how some companies such a Disney keep a tight leash on people who use their characters for mash ups as fr others like Viacome “sees the humorous videos as fair use of its copyrighted content.”As I stated in my previous P2P blog it is a very controversial matter!

P2P Sharing

P2P file sharing is short for peer to peer file sharing. It is a process where you can send and receive stored information such as data, media, files etc. from one device to another. This type of media sharing causes illegal actions such as piracy, illegal downloading of songs, movies etc. The problem with this is there is a massive amount of information being sent and received as well as shared through communication sites such as you-tube and Facebook that it is impossible for government to be in control of piracy, although companies have started suing people and you tube for its illegal actions. New York Times article “As Rights Clashes on You Tube Some Videos Vanish” gives an example “In early December, Juliet Weybret, a high school sophomore and aspiring rock star from Lodi, Calif., recorded a video of herself playing the piano and singing “Winter Wonderland,” and she posted it on YouTube…In late December, Warner and YouTube failed to agree to terms on a new licensing deal that would have paid Warner a cut of advertising revenue in exchange for permission to stream the music company’s videos.” P2P file sharing is a very controversial matter since it is the reason why the music and television industry has lost billions of dollars because of illegal downloading and illegal sharing.

The Next New Thing

I think the next new thing will be a computer application or site that can somehow scan you’re body or face in order to buy cloths, accessories, make up and anything needed to be tried on over the computer. The only negativity about online buying is you cant actually see the item on you. In a store you have the option to try on the item. So this app will somehow scan you’re figure and features and add whatever the item of you’re choosing is on to you exactly the way it would be in person. It would be called Try-No-Try. This application can be good for almost any kind of online buying, men who want to buy customized suites to Women who want to buy makeup to fit their coloring.

“Virtual Worlds”

Virtual worlds is like a second type of world that uses enhanced technology and a new type of media which combines imagination and fictional types of people places and things all in one new world. There are many pros to this virtual world such as a new type of communication or interaction. In an article written Nicole Saidi titled “Naughty Aunties battles autism using virtual interaction” she states the words of Psychologist Bignell  “For people with autism, we’ve found it’s a very nice way of setting up situations they might come across in their everyday lives,” Bignell said. “For people who have social, emotional, communicational problems … we can get them familiar with an environment before they actually try it out in real life.” If a virtual world can help children with autism progress then I would call this a revelation. In another article “Avater II: The Hospital” is about how a virtual world can help train nurses and help the hospital progress by fixing mistakes shown in the virtual world. Virtual worlds have cons as well such as users getting confused between whats real and whats not real. Just like video games, My husband plays a football game where the characters seem so real as if I am watching a live game on television and there is a tendency where plays can confusing to the game player. For users virtual worlds uses imagination and creativity in order to build a world of your own wether its re-creating this world or reinventing you’re own.

Social Networking Sites

My impression of twitter, Myspace, Facebook and Instagram are all the same in a broader sense because they all are networking sites that deal with communication or community. But in a closer view they are all very different because they all serve a different type of communication. If you look at facebook its pretty much all the other three in one. Although facebook has a status tool, twitter is all about status and tweets. Same goes for instagram. Facebook has a tools where you can upload pictures but instagram is all about uploading pictures and commenting on those pictures. Facebook as well allows you to share music and videos and myspace focuses on just that. If facebook is the full package then why does everyone use these other networks? Well when something is more zoomed in, its simplified and easier to use as well as easier to get a certain point across in a certain type of manner, using one type of communication instead of dozens.

What is New Media?

Old media is a more simplified version of what new media is. Now we use that media such as computers, television, cell phones but in a much more complex, technologically advanced way. New Media allows the world to communicate in different ways and too convey different types of messages. For instance sometimes we text because we don’t want to speak on the telephone because communicating vocally can be much more personal. It is just how Clive Thompson explains it when he states, “DIY tools for shooting, editing, and broadcasting video aren’t just changing who uses the medium. They’re changing how we use it.” Instagram is a form of new media that allows people all around the world to just share still photos. Recently I participated in a contest (anyone who wants can be in) but saks 5th avenue had a contest that whoever put the coolest picture of shoes up get a 500-dollar gift certificate to the department store. Everyone was posting these funny, interesting, some unsanitary pictures of there shoes and I was just blown away that I am able so quickly to see these pictures and it conveys a type of communication, a type of community a way of doing business. They could have been anywhere in the world but right then and there wherever were they were able to post a picture of there shoes. Old technology is a much more simplified version of what new technology allows us to do and create. Old media wont ever-extinct just new forms of it will come out. Randal Stroll states exactly that “And yet television stands out as the one old-media business with surprising resilience. Though we are spending a record amount of time online, including a record amount of time watching video, we are also watching record amounts of very old-fashioned television, according to Nielsen Media Research.” Although he claims that print newspapers are losing it subscribers, for some reason I highly doubt print newspapers and print magazines will ever go out of business.