What is New Media?

Old media is a more simplified version of what new media is. Now we use that media such as computers, television, cell phones but in a much more complex, technologically advanced way. New Media allows the world to communicate in different ways and too convey different types of messages. For instance sometimes we text because we don’t want to speak on the telephone because communicating vocally can be much more personal. It is just how Clive Thompson explains it when he states, “DIY tools for shooting, editing, and broadcasting video aren’t just changing who uses the medium. They’re changing how we use it.” Instagram is a form of new media that allows people all around the world to just share still photos. Recently I participated in a contest (anyone who wants can be in) but saks 5th avenue had a contest that whoever put the coolest picture of shoes up get a 500-dollar gift certificate to the department store. Everyone was posting these funny, interesting, some unsanitary pictures of there shoes and I was just blown away that I am able so quickly to see these pictures and it conveys a type of communication, a type of community a way of doing business. They could have been anywhere in the world but right then and there wherever were they were able to post a picture of there shoes. Old technology is a much more simplified version of what new technology allows us to do and create. Old media wont ever-extinct just new forms of it will come out. Randal Stroll states exactly that “And yet television stands out as the one old-media business with surprising resilience. Though we are spending a record amount of time online, including a record amount of time watching video, we are also watching record amounts of very old-fashioned television, according to Nielsen Media Research.” Although he claims that print newspapers are losing it subscribers, for some reason I highly doubt print newspapers and print magazines will ever go out of business.

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