“Virtual Worlds”

Virtual worlds is like a second type of world that uses enhanced technology and a new type of media which combines imagination and fictional types of people places and things all in one new world. There are many pros to this virtual world such as a new type of communication or interaction. In an article written Nicole Saidi titled “Naughty Aunties battles autism using virtual interaction” she states the words of Psychologist Bignell  “For people with autism, we’ve found it’s a very nice way of setting up situations they might come across in their everyday lives,” Bignell said. “For people who have social, emotional, communicational problems … we can get them familiar with an environment before they actually try it out in real life.” If a virtual world can help children with autism progress then I would call this a revelation. In another article “Avater II: The Hospital” is about how a virtual world can help train nurses and help the hospital progress by fixing mistakes shown in the virtual world. Virtual worlds have cons as well such as users getting confused between whats real and whats not real. Just like video games, My husband plays a football game where the characters seem so real as if I am watching a live game on television and there is a tendency where plays can confusing to the game player. For users virtual worlds uses imagination and creativity in order to build a world of your own wether its re-creating this world or reinventing you’re own.

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