
Creativity is simply using you’re mind. It is the act of using youre mind in order to create something, anything. New media certainly gives way to a lot of creativit An example of creativity is mash-ups which is mashing together snip its of all different type of media to create one single item or video. Yes mash ups can be very creative and entertaining but also can be illegal causing plenty piracy. In the New York Times article “Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of its Critics” It discusses how people used Disney characters to create rap songs. For example “A version using clips taken from Nickelodeon’s “SpongeBob SquarePants” has been viewed more than seven million times.” It discusses how some companies such a Disney keep a tight leash on people who use their characters for mash ups as fr others like Viacome “sees the humorous videos as fair use of its copyrighted content.”As I stated in my previous P2P blog it is a very controversial matter!

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